I have
always been a fan of Olympic sports and I have great admiration for the
dedication, perseverance and the sacrifice that Olympic caliber athletes have
to make in order to get to that level of competition. I have watched a fair
amount of television coverage of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games over the
last two weeks and there were some amazing athletic performances from so many
athletes. Particularly our Canadian athletes as Canada tied its best ever medal
haul. Thank you Canadian Olympians.
the athletes’ performances seem like secondary news to the media covering the
games what with all of the standard Olympic sized scandals happening on a daily
basis. Right off the bat there was a big scandal as a top ranking Irish IOC
member was arrested in a ticket scalping scheme and if the Olympics are on
there HAS to be a doping scandal or twelve and Rio
was no exception.
Again, it isn’t an Olympic games if
a judge or two hasn’t thrown his integrity away for a few bucks or blatantly cheated
for his/her own country. I am not being cynical here as the evidence of
cheating is overwhelming when it comes to international sports competition. It
always happens.
There will
forever be a debate over the excesses of The Games. Zillion dollar facilities
being put up while nearby residents are living in squalor. Athletes raking in
millions upon millions of dollars in incentives and endorsements because they
can run fast or jump high while the construction workers building the stadiums
and fields are working for peanuts. I am sure these injustices have been
debated at every Olympic Games for decades.
Then there were the American
swimmers who were partying hardy and made up a story of being held up by
gunpoint only to have the whole story blow up in their faces once the truth
came out. And the truth always comes out which reminds me of one of my
favourite Mark Twain quotes, “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember
anything.” Hmmm….remember that.
It also reminds me of something my
Dad drilled into me while I was growing up and that is that lying about the
deed is usually worse than the deed itself. Own up to your stupidity, take it
like a man and admit you were wrong. Lying will only exacerbate the situation
and prolong the misery.
I don’t
have enough room for all of the details but the story goes something like this:
there were four American swimmers who were out partying and went to a
convenience store to use the bathroom and upon finding the bathroom door locked
they proceeded to kick it down. The convenient store attendant called Security
and the swimmers were confronted about their actions. One of the swimmers
claimed that they were held up at gunpoint with a gun being held to his
forehead. He has since apologized for his “exaggerated” version of the story
and he is paying a dear price for his “immature behaviour”, or lying as it
were, as he has lost all of his major endorsements and is looking at further
discipline from the United States Olympic Committee. Truth or consequences, man.
I still
have great admiration for the hundreds of athletes who cleanly participated in
The Games to the best of their abilities while sacrificing so much. My feeling
is that the few that bring the integrity level down should not be given the biggest
spotlight but that’s not how our world works, is it?
“A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes.”-Mark Twain.