Sunday, July 21, 2013


Hello there Dear Reader. I haven't had a post on this site since May 27th and there are a number of reasons for this. If I have to explain myself to you, which I feel I do, hence this posting.
Anyway, there are a few times throughout the year that circumstances take me away from my word processor and springtime in Saskatchewan is one of those times. Especially after we had just endured the full-on nasty winter that started sometime back in October, and it was still snowing on us on May 1st, so when the weather finally allows us to get into the yards and gardens and golf courses there aren't a lot of indoor minutes left.
I work full-time at my job at Seed Hawk Inc. and I work full-time on this 1919 house and yard to keep it up leaving very little writing time. I know...whine, whine, whine.
On top of that on the 21st of June my dear ninety-one-year-old Mom passed away after a full life lived. She lives about a six hour car ride away so we took a couple of trips out to where she lives to say our goodbyes. It was a tough month. You'll find a couple of postings below about my Mom and Dad.
Now we're off for a week of R&R at Pike Lake near Saskatoon. We found this place last year and we're going back because we liked it so much.
I'm not sure if I will take the time to post on this site while I'm gone but I will try. We here in Saskatchewan have so little warm-weather time to take advantage of that I am going to spend as much time outdoors as I possibly can before we're forced back inside in the all to near future.
I'll be back.

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Here's a reprise of a little Christmas poem I threw together for you. Three Kings, shepherds and a babe in the manger. The E...