Sunday, November 1, 2015


Hi folks, I have finally made the time to post a few articles from the previous few months. Time rushes by so quickly that it's always a bit of shock to realize that it's been weeks since I posted anything on this site.

In my defence, this fall's weather has been so wonderfully beautiful compared to what we are used to in Southern Saskatchewan, that I've been doing so many things other than writing or posting on this blog. I even managed to get a round of golf in on the 18th of October-as late in the season as I've ever golfed without shivering around the course, I do believe.

Now that November 1st is here there is no doubt that outdoor activities will become fewer and my excuses for not sitting at a computer writing away will become fewer as well. I'm as tired of stating that I'll recommit to posting on this blog site as you probably are of reading it. If, in fact, anyone is reading my sporadic entries. Nevertheless, here I go again pledging to be more diligent in this endevour once again.

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Here's a reprise of a little Christmas poem I threw together for you. Three Kings, shepherds and a babe in the manger. The E...